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Second Advance Estimates of Production of Foodgrains, Oilseeds and other Commercial Crops for 2019-20

Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare

Second Advance Estimates of Production of Foodgrains, Oilseeds and other Commercial Crops for 2019-20

The 2nd Advance Estimates of production of major crops for 2019-20 have been released by the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare today. The cumulative rainfall in the country during the monsoon season (June to September, 2019) has been 10% higher than Long Period Average (LPA). Accordingly, the production of most of the crops for the agricultural year 2019-20 has been estimated higher than their normal production. These estimates are subject to revision on account of more precise information flowing over the time.


  As per 2nd Advance Estimates, the estimated production of major crops during 2019-20 is as under:


  • Foodgrains  –  291.95 million tonnes. (record)

  • Rice  –  117.47  million tonnes. (record)

  • Wheat  –  106.21  million tonnes. (record)

  • Nutri / Coarse Cereals  –  45.24 million tonnes.

  • Maize  –  28.08 million tonnes.

  • Pulses  –  23.02 million tonnes.

  • Tur  –  3.69 million tonnes.

  • Gram – 11.22 million tonnes.

  • Oilseeds  –  34.19 million tonnes.



  • Soyabean  –  13.63 million tonnes

  • Rapeseed and Mustard – 9.11 million tonnes

  • Groundnut  –  8.24 million tonnes

  • Cotton  –  34.89 million bales (of 170 kg each)

  • Jute  & Mesta - 9.81 million bales (of 180 kg each)

  • Sugarcane – 353.85 million tonnes


 As per Second Advance Estimates for 2019-20, total Foodgrain production in the country is estimated at record 291.95 million tonnes which is higher by 6.74 million tonnes than the production of foodgrain of 285.21 million tonnes achieved during 2018-19. However, the production during 2019-20 is higher by 26.20 million tonnes than the previous five years’ (2013-14 to 2017-18) average production of foodgrain.


Total production of Rice during 2019-20 is estimated at record 117.47 million tonnes.   It is higher by 9.67 million tonnes than the five years’ average production of 107.80 million tonnes.


Production of Wheat during 2019-20 is estimated at record 106.21 million tonnes. It is higher by 2.61 million tonnes as compared to wheat production during 2018-19 and is higher by 11.60 million tonnes than the average wheat production of 94.61 million tonnes.


 Production of Nutri / Coarse Cereals estimated at 45.24 million tonnes, which is higher by 2.18 million tonnes than the production of 43.06 million tonnes achieved during 2018-19. Further, it is also higher by 2.16 million tonnes than the average production.


Total Pulses production during 2019-20 is estimated at 23.02 million tonnes which is higher by 2.76 million tonnes than the Five years’ average production of 20.26 million tonnes.


Total Oilseeds production in the country during 2019-20 is estimated at 34.19 million tonnes which is higher by 2.67 million tonnes than the production of 31.52 million tonnes during 2018-19. Further, the production of oilseeds during 2019-20 is higher by 4.54 million tonnes than the average oilseeds production.


 Total production of Sugarcane in the country during 2019-20 is estimated at 353.85 million tonnes. The production of sugarcane during 2019-20 is higher by 4.07 million tonnes than the average sugarcane production of 349.78 million tonnes.


Production of Cotton is estimated at 34.89 million bales (of 170 kg each) is higher by 6.85 million bales than the production of 28.04 million bales during 2018-19.  Production of Jute & Mesta is estimated at 9.81 million bales (of 180 kg each).   


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