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Right from the onset, his golden heart was the prime suspect, and what a bloody havoc it has racked, like the betrayal of Brutus, hacked, to death, a gem of a soul, perfect, to the ‘T;, the lurking felony we did suspect,  but kept our fingers crossed, with all the introspect, much before the clinicians could detect, the infiltration of the terrorist attack, the attack, the malignancy pack, because of his self neglect, for all the selfless dedication of, in all the projects, to connect his entire services for all those deprived, denied, subjects, vertically and horizontally, to disinfect humanity from the scourge of all the evil of suffering that made every life imperfect, his treacherous, golden heart never failed to make perfect, every perfection, to erase all unchecked wreck, heaped on mankind, how very divine, as he now shines, in his vertical journey, being with all of us, at the same time, horizontally, his dear memory is our eternal shrine, with his dear epitaph – Whatever you do to your least of your sisters and brothers ---- poor, sick, naked, hungry, imprisoned, excluded, deprived of justice, and rights --- you do for the Lord! Just the way Jesus desires, just the way Guru Nanak aspired, just the way Buddha preached, just the way Mahavir reached his salvation, in a moment, he has climbed million elevations, leaving us all on the terra firma, to rue that after all the very first suspect betrayed, and slayed, the saint; true to his name, Amrik, he did pour his celestial nectar, on one and all, sans any factor, sans any vector, a day before the world celebrates what was truly dear to him, for which he was a self proclaimed trusty– World Day Of Social Justice!

-- Dr. A. K. Sharma

Bekhabaron Ki Khabar - बेख़बरों की खबर

Bekhabaron Ki Khabar, magazine in Hindi by Radheshyam Chourasiya / Bekhabaron Ki Khabar: Read on mobile & tablets -


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