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‘Namaste Orchha’ Mahotsava-From March 6 to 8

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A unique chapter in history- Orchha Ramraja's city 

भोपाल : मंगलवार, फरवरी 18, 2020, 15:34 IST

Orchha has been the ancient capital of the Bundela kings. Orchha is the only city in the world, whose king is believed to be Lord Rama. Orchha was founded in the year 1501 by Rudrapratap Singh. Veerasinha Dev has been a great warrior, who enhanced its boundaries and splendor, he built temples, buildings and forts in Orchha. Every city and every village in Budhelkhand has many stories to tell. But Orchha is such a chapter of history, which contains unique stories in itself. 

Ramraja Temple Orchha-

 The first ruler of the Bundela state was Sohanpal (1261–1268) of the Gahad Wall dynasty of Banaras, who had come to Bundelkhand after differences with his father. From 1269 to 1501 AD, eight rulers of this dynasty ruled the state. In 1501, Rudrapratap, a brave warrior became the ruler. He shifted his capital from Garhkundar to Orchha in May 1531 and later died in the same year. After Rudrapratap's death his son Bharti Chandra became the ruler. After his death in 1554, his brother Madhukarshah became the ruler, during his time the kingdom was defeated and in 1577, the Mughals took over the state of Orchha

In 1591, Madhukarshah challenged the Mughals by capturing the area around Gwalior, but was defeated by the Mughal army. Madhukarshah's son Ramshah later reconciled with the Mughal emperor Akbar. He ruled until 1604 AD. His troubles continued due to the activities of his brothers Veerasingh, Indrajit and Pratap. Of these, Veerasingh killed Abul-Fazl in 1602 AD at a place called Gantri near Gwalior to befriend Mughal Emperor Jahangir. At that time Abul-Fazl was returning after conquering Asirgarh. Angered by this, Akbar sent the royal army to Orchha. Mughal won the Orchha Mughals, but could not catch Veer Singh Dev.

 When Jahangir became Sultan of Delhi in 1605 AD, he made his friend Veerasinh Dev the ruler of Orchha. This ruler with impressive personality and strong self-confidence increased the boundaries of the state. Also built temples, buildings and forts. After him, Jujhar became the next ruler. Khanjahan Lodhi revolted against the Mughals, he passed through Orchha without any hindrance in 1628 AD. The Mughals were angered by this. But when Khanjahan Lodhi was passing through Orchha again in 1602 AD, the Jujhar attacked him and gained the friendship of the Mughals. He was sent south by the Mughals. In his absence, his brother Hardaul ruled the state. When he returned from the south, he doubted the intimacy of his wife and brother Hardaul. He told his brother to drink poison. Hardaul drank poison to maintain the sanctity of his relationship with sister-in- law. This act of sacrifice made him immortal throughout Bundelkhand. Even today he is a hero in folk songs. He has a tomb in Phulbagh, which is the center of reverence.

Orchha state remained without ruler from 1635 to 1641 AD. In the year 1641, the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan returned the kingdom of Orchha to Pahar Singh, the son of Veersingh. After Pahar Singh, Sujan Singh (1653–72 AD), Indramani (1672–75 AD), Jaswant Singh (1675–84 AD) and Bhagwant Singh (1684–89 AD) became ruler of the state. The Marathas started attacking Bundelkhand during the rule of Maharaja Udyot Singh (1689–35 AD), which resulted in decrease in the boundaries of the Bundela kingdom. At the time of Prithvi Singh (1635–52 AD), the state was confined to the city of Orchha only. The later Bundela rulers continued to ensure their existence from time to time with the friendship of the Mughals, Marathas and the British. In 1789 Vikramajit shifted the capital of Orchha state from Orchha to Tikamgarh. With this change, the glory of Orchha began to decline.

With time and nature, the beautiful buildings of Orchha turned into ruins. But today these buildings, temples, forts tell the story of its glory. Among them are grand temples like Ramaraja Temple, Chaturbhuji Temple, Laxmi Temple, Rajmandir, Jahangir Mahal, Sheeshmahal and Orchha's canopies-

It has beautiful palace like Rai Praveen Mahal. Also the natural and scenic beauty around Orchha is also amazing.

Ramraja Temple- This temple was built by Orchha ruler Bhartichandra in 1532 AD. It is also called Nau Chowkia Bhawan. In 1574, Shri Ramaraja Bhagwan ascended the palace. From this time, it started being called Ramraja Temple. Formerly it was a palace.

Chaturbhuji Temple- According to local public opinion, it was built by Bundela king Madhukarshah in the 1532 AD to establish the idol of Ramraja. But in 1574 AD, Shri Ramaraja ascended the Rani Mahal. Then an idol of Bhagwan Chaturbhuj was installed in it. This temple has special significance from the point of view of architecture. This Bundela architecture incorporates vent holes and Dome styles.

Lakshmi Temple- There is a temple of Lakshminarayan behind Sri Ramaraja Temple in Orchha. It was built by Maharaja Veersingh Dev in 1618 AD. It looks like a triangle from outside but it is actually square from inside.

Raj Mandir (Raja Mahal) - It was built by Maharaja Madhukarshah in 1575 AD. It is in front of Chaturbhuji Temple. This grand palace has a cellar at the bottom and several small open pavilions (Mandaps) at the top.

Jahangir Mahal- It is one of the most beautiful buildings in Orchha. It was built by King Veersingh in 1618 AD. This square shaped building is situated on eight beautiful domes. The perfection of the architecture of the past is displayed in this building.

Sheesh Mahal- It was built by Maharaja Udyot Singh in 1706 AD. There is a cellar below it.

Rai Pravin Mahal- It was built in 1618 AD by Indrajit, son of Madhukarshah. It was the residence of Rai Praveen. Next to the palace is the platform of Rai Praveen, which used to have music programmes.

Khumansingh's Haveli- Khuman Singh was a seignior (Samant) of Maharaja Pahar Singh, who led the Bundeli army during the Gondwana invasion. This haveli is a glorious history of his valour.

               Apart from this, there are canopies of Orchha rulers on Kanchanghat of Betwa River. Orchha has two pillars named Sawan-Bhado built in 1606 AD. Hardaul’s building is also situated near to these pillars.

Bekhabaron Ki Khabar - बेख़बरों की खबर

Bekhabaron Ki Khabar, magazine in Hindi by Radheshyam Chourasiya / Bekhabaron Ki Khabar: Read on mobile & tablets -


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